Will Information

Will Information

Remember Cheyenne River Indian Outreach

As a devoted friend of the Native American women and children at Cheyenne River Indian Outreach, you can continue to bring HOPE to abused women and children in need for generations to come. A simple way to do this is by naming Cheyenne River Indian Outreach as part of your legacy.

Various Bequest Options

Here are some basic methods of giving to Cheyenne River Indian Outreach through your estate. You may want to discuss the following with your attorney or personal representative:

  1. Give an exact dollar amount or specific possession to Cheyenne River Indian Outreach.
  2. Designate all or a percentage of your total assets as a gift to Cheyenne River Indian Outreach.
  3. After all other bequests are distributed from your Will the “rest & residue” of your estate becomes a gift to Cheyenne River Indian Outreach.
  4. Divide the “rest & residue” on a percentage basis among chosen charities and organizations.

If you would like to discuss any of these possibilities, please contact our caring staff at 605-234-3244 or request further information. There is no obligation on your part, and all information is kept confidential.

“I have remembered Cheyenne River Indian Outreach in my Will. I want to thank you all for caring for God’s people. I don’t know what they would do without you. This is the reason you are part of my legacy.” — G Bochanski, PA